Yoga for Beginners 20 Minutes with Relaxation

Yoga for Beginners 20 Mintes with relaxation

Hi guys! My name is Sergey Chernov. Im a doctor and yoga master. I invite you to perform a simple set of yoga exercises that will relieve discomfort from the neck and back muscles, and also improve spine and joint health.

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Yoga with relaxation

We start from the standing position… Place your feet together.

Toes are in one line. Bring your hands behind your back. Hands folded into the lock.

Yoga for Beginners 20 MIN

Remember the position of the fingers… As you inhale, bring the shoulder blades together, straighten the arms, arch the thoracic and cervical spine…. Look at the ceiling and fix the position. Exhale. Breathe calmly through the nose. Inhale. Exhale… Trying to bring the shoulder blades together even tighter… Inhale… exhale… expand the chest. the 3rd breath… exhale… and the fourth inhale… exhale…..

When inhaling, gently put your hands down and exhale, then bend your legs, tilt forward, put your hands on your thighs. When inhaling, stretch the spine, press the ribs to the thighs. Exhale, let the body go down, relax your neck, arms… hang in a neutral position…

beginners yoga 20 min

Inhale. The neck is completely relaxed… exhale… Inhale.. Exhale. Straighten your legs a little more if possible… Inhale. Exhale. And the fourth inhale… exhale… bending your legs a bit more… we rotate the spine upwards, segment by segment, Lumbar.. Thoracic. Cervical– Exhale when you’re in an upright position. As we inhale, bring the arms behind the back again, change the position of the hands in the lock. As you exhale, bring the shoulder blades together, expand the chest… Bring the head slightly back… fix the position, inhale… Exhale. Breathe smoothly through the nose… Inhale… exhale… inhale… inhale… Exhale. And inhale… exhale…

Release the tension, inhale. Tilt forward again. Bend your legs. Put your hands on the thighs. As we inhale, stretch the spine, pull the lower back, press the ribs to the thighs. As you exhale, tilt forward, relax your neck and arms, keep breathing, inhale. And exhale. As we exhale, release all the tension and fatigue. Inhale. And exhale. Breathing through the nose. Inhale. Exhale, feel the tension in the back of the thighs… Inhale. Exhale. Bend the legs again and rotate upwards, segment by segment – lower back… lumbar spine… Thoracic spine. Cervical spine. Exhale, stand in an upright position, calm breathing cycle, inhale, watch your own sensations. Exhale. As you inhale, kneel down gently, get down on your knees. Arms shoulder-width apart. Place your fingers in one line, knees at the width of the pelvis, resting on the back of the foot, big toes together… bring the pelvis back as far as we can, if possible touch the pelvis with the heels, touch the floor with the forehead….

As you inhale, wave your body forward, arch the lumbar spine, thoracic spine… and cervical spine. Look upwards.

beginners yoga 20 minutes

As you exhale, come back to the starting position very gently. Pull the pelvis back, stretch the spine and the back muscles. As you inhale, do a soft wave forward. Do not overextend the lower back. When exhaling, pull your pelvis backwards … movements are slow and gentle … in sync with the breathing inhale … look up … exhale…. Inhale… wave your body forward. Looking up… And exhale. Return to the starting position, bring the knees together and either sit with the pelvis on the heels… But if we feel discomfort in the knees, we stay in the kneeling position. Bring the right arm up. the Left hand down. Extend the muscles intensely and as you exhale, slowly move your hands towards the grip… If possible, perform the handgrip behind your back…

beginners yoga at home

Keep breathing in this position, inhale… Exhale. Extend the chest. Stretch upwards, the top of your head also upwards. Inhale… exhale… inhale, breath smoothly through the nose… exhale… inhale… exhale… inhale… Put your hands down, inhale. Stretch them out to the sides – exhale… pull the left hand upwards, inhale…..

The right one downwards and make a simultaneous grip behind your back. Exhale. If it’s getting too tough for your knees, get in the upper position… Don’t forget to `breathe Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Expand the chest, inhale… exhale… exhale… And inhale. Exhale. Put your arms down as you inhale. Pull them out to the sides intensively… Exhale. Inhale, place your hands at the shoulder-width, right in front of yourself – hands are in one line. Exhale, rest on your toes.. Toes also in one line. Standing in the plank, slightly twist the tailbone, release the arch from the lumbar spine…

yoga for beginners back stretches

Keep breathing. Inhale. Pull the top of your head forward. Exhale. Inhale… Exhale… arms are straight, strong, the body is tense… Inhale. The abs are working. Exhale and the fourth inhale. Exhale.

Kneel down and gently step forward with your feet. We sit down. Straighten the legs, place the feet together… In a simple variation – bend your legs at the knee joints, grasp your toes… As we inhale, push the lower back, look forward and up, pressing the ribs…

yoga for beginners back exercises

With an exhalation, gently tilt your body, if possible, straighten your legs a little more, fix the final position…. Inhale… exhale… Inhale… exhale… Pull the toe s towards yourself, feel the tension of the back surface of the legs inhale…. Exhale. And another inhale. Exhale. As you inhale, gently raise your head. Go back with your body. And lie on your back… bend your legs at the knees, feet hip-width apart, toes are in one line… Gently spread the body … bring the arms to the sides behind the head, put the palms at the level of the shoulder joints, palms facing up … When inhaling, push the pelvis upwards and fix the final position … exhale.

yoga for back pain
Your gluties are working intensely, breathe with your abdomen, inhale… Exhale. Inhale… breath smoothly through the nose, exhale… Inhale… exhale… And the fourth inhale. Exhale. Now lower the pelvis as we inhale. Straighten the left leg. The right one remains bent at the knee joint.. As you inhale, move the pelvis slightly to the right side by 1 or 2 centimeters… When exhaling, place the right foot on the left knee… Intercept the right knee with the left hand as you inhale… As you exhale, bring your right hand to the side, palm facing up, and pull the knee of your right leg towards the floor…

yoga for lower back pain
Inhale. Exhale. Feel the tension in the lower back muscles, without causing any  pain… Inhale. Work very slow and steady, exhale. Trying to stretch the muscles as you exhale… Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

As you inhale, slow and steady return to the starting position, adjusting the pelvis…. Bend the left leg, while straightening the right one, as you exhale, and from the central position, inhale, and shift the pelvis slightly to the left side… As you exhale, cover the knee with the foot, intercept the left leg with the hand, inhale. The left hand goes to the side with the palm facing up and with another exhalation we gently go into the twisting… Fix the final position, feel the stretch, breathe in… Breathe out… Breathe in… Breathe out… breathe in… focus on smooth deep breathing… breathe out… breathe in… breathe out… Breathe in… breathe out… Breathe in… breathe out…

As we inhale, return to the starting position, stabilize the pelvis. Press your thighs against your body. And very slow and steady begin to sway back and forth… first along the lumbar spine, then we start swaying more and more… engaging the thoracic and even the cervical spine…. After swinging several times, we have to stop. straighten the legs, feet slightly wider than the width of the pelvis… fix yourself with the hand on the pelvis… Pulling up the spine… spreading the lumbar spine, the chest… Go back with your arms, stretch backwards with your arms and head, put the back of your head… return your arms to the sides with palms facing up at the level of the pelvis, or a little higher…. And completely relax.

yoga relaxation

We take a deep and full breath and as we breathe out we breathe out all thoughts, fatigue and tension to the surrounding space… Taking another deep breath we fill the lungs and as we exhale we completely relax.

If you liked this complex, I also recommend doing other sets of exercises from the playlist “simple yoga for beginners“. See you in the next videos!`

recommend to watch

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