Semispinalis Trigger Points and Muscle Pain

Semispinalis Trigger Points and Muscle Pain

Limitation of neck mobility and a tension headache with an epicenter in the temporal region and in the back of the head can be caused by the trigger points of the semispinalis muscle. This pain can be eliminated with simple exercises at home. In order to choose the proper therapeutic exercises, we need to understand the anatomy and function of the semispinalis muscle.


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Semispinalis Anatomy and Function

The semispinalis muscle consists of the semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis, and semispinalis thoracis,

Semispinalis Anatomy

and lies under the serratus posterior superior, rhomboid, splenius capitis and trapezoid muscles. The main function of the semispinalis muscle is extension in the cervical spine. It also controls the position of the head when it is tilted forward.Ā  In the unilateral reduction, the muscle rotates the neck and rotates the head to the opposite side, and also participates in lateral bending of the neck. The semispinalis cervicis and the semispinalis thoracis primarily extend the spine, rotate the neck to the opposite side, and participates in lateral flexion of the spine.

Semispinalis Trigger Points Diagram

Trigger points are areas of tension in a muscle which cause intense pain. Trigger points of the semispinalis capitis muscle are located in three typical areas.

Semispinalis Trigger Points

Upper triggers cause pain over the eye and a tension headache with an epicenter in the temporal region, may contribute to impingement of the greater occipital nerve.

Semispinalis Trigger Points Diagram

Triggers of the middle part of the muscle produce pain in the back of the head.

Semispinalis Muscle Trigger Points

Trigger points of the semispinalis cervicisĀ  and the semispinalis thoracis form a similar pain pattern. The presence of trigger points in all parts of the semispinalis muscle results in limited neck flexion, rotation and lateral tilt.

The activation of trigger points and the occurrence of pain is most often caused by the text neck, for example while using a smartphone, surfing the computer, or acute traumatic stress, such as a fall on the head or whiplash injury of the cervical spine in a car accident. Excessive extension of the head and neck while sleeping or watching television with leaning on the elbows and supporting the head also leads to trigger point activation.

A person with achy muscles keeps the neck and head strictly straight, raising the shoulders high. Moreover, the person is limited in mobility in the cervical region and is unable to reach the top of the chin to the sternum. You can perform these simple exercises at home to get rid of the pain.

Semispinalis Muscle Release

Take a small massage ball and go up to the wall.

Semispinalis Muscle Relief

Roll the area on the sides of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae for a few minutes, first on the one side, then on the other one. The ball should massage the muscles located in these areas, but it should not touch the spinous processes of the vertebrae.

Since the semispinalis muscles lie deep, the mechanical effect should be intense and it is much more effective to do it on a small double massage ball either near the wall or on the floor with the weight of your own body.

Semispinalis Relief

It is even more effective to work the peravertebral muscles on the massage roller DREVMASS in the second-to-last or last position of the main roller in the standard rolling method, in a more intensive version with lifting the pelvis, or in the upside-down position of DREVMASS.

semispinalis release

Semispinalis Exercises

Immediately after mechanical impact on problem areas, I recommend performing simple exercises of the CHERENOK wellness gymnastic, which will help to provide gentle dynamic stretching of shortened muscles.

If you do not have cherenok, take any small object of about five hundred grams, for example, a half-liter bottle of water and place it in your right hand. Look at the hand and keep constant eye contact with the object.Ā  As you inhale through the nose, raise the arm up to the level of the face or above the head, pass the bottle to the left hand and exhaling through the mouth lower the arm, trying to press the chin to the chest.

Semispinalis Exercises
Inhaling, lift the left arm up, look at it at the moment of passing the object to the opposite hand and lower it down as you exhale. This is one cycle of the exercise. From the first part of the video we know that the primary function of the semispinalis muscles is neck extension.

And the extreme position of this exercise, when the hands are up, helps to fully realize its function, i.e. to shorten and strain the muscle. The opposite position with the hand at the bottom and the chin pressed down allows you to gently stretch the semispinalis muscles. I recommend doing this exercise for 3-5 cycles, gently increasing the amplitude of mobility in the cervical spine.

The second function of the semispinalisĀ  muscle in unilateral reduction is neck extension and rotation of the head to the opposite side. In order to extend the muscle, we need to perform neck flexion with rotation and downward tilt of the head. Place the cherenok or water bottle above your head, palms outwards. Focus your attention on your right hand and with an exhalation through your mouth, lower your hand. With an inhalation through the nose, keeping the eye on the object, raise the hand above the head,

Semispinalis Muscle Exercises

grab the object with the left hand and with an exhalation through the mouth lower the left hand, and with an inhalation through the nose raise the hand.Ā  Repeat this exercise for 3-5 times.

The semispinalis muscle is also involved in lateral flexion of the spine. In order to stretch it, we need to make a lateral bend to the opposite side. Place the object at the level of the pelvis, palms outwards. Keeping the eye on the right arm, with an exhalation through the mouth, raise the arm above the head and go into a side bend.

Semispinalis workout

As you inhale through the nose, return the arm to pelvic level, grab the object in the left hand and with an exhalation through the mouth, raise the left arm above the head. As you inhale, return to the starting position.Ā  Do another 3-5 reps in each direction.

You can also try the yoga exercises to stretch the problematic semispinalis muscles. Stand on all fours, hands at the level of the shoulder joints, knees at the width of the pelvis, support on the back of the foot. With an inhalation make a soft deflection, tilt the head back and look at the ceiling. As you exhale, press the chin firmly against the sternum, lower the pelvis and push it forward, intensively bending and stretching the cervical spine.

Semispinalis stretching
Repeat the exercise a few more times in dynamics. Breathe smoothly and deeply through the nose. With another exhalation, fix the final position with the chin pressed for 30-60 seconds. You can do even more intensive stretching in the supine position.Ā  Place your hands with palms down on the sides of the pelvis and very carefully bring the legs towards the head, making sure that the chin is pressed firmly against the rib cage. Place your hands on your lower back and very slowly straighten your legs to achieve the vertical position of your body.

semispinalis stretch
Fix the final position for 30-60 seconds, keeping smooth and deep breathing. With another exhalation, bend the legs at the knees and gently lower the legs and pelvis to the floor.

All of the above exercises can be performed to relieve discomfort, but the best effect will be achieved if you do the exercises that can be found by following the link. Since trigger points in the semispinalis muscles most often occur as a result of text neck, you should pay special attention to the position of the body while working at the computer and using a smartphone, as well as the formation of correct posture.


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